Friday, November 28, 2008


What a great day with family! My parents came over from the west side, Riss got off work early to join us, and Keith's family was all here too! I spent the morning watching a little Macy's Parade, and getting the kitchen ready for it's big day (my kitchen and I haven't spent much time together this year!), while Keith played a little soccer with the guys. Everyone started to trickle in around 12, we did crafts with the kids, had lots of time for visiting, and of course there was football on! Oh, and did I forget to mention the FOOD?! It was pretty awesome :) I am very thankful for all of it! Here are a few pictures of our fun day. Alli and Jeter just finished up the cute place cards and were playing a game.
Mr. Turkey, about to hang out in the oven for a few hours.

Me and my cute husband!

The Williams soon to be Christmas card

Keith and Quincy

Teaching Quincy to be a cat lover :)

Look at that GREAT turkey! Mom is a little crazy though :)

The professional carver we hired to help us out!

Here is the spread---YUM!

GG is the baby whisperer

And let's finish the night off with a little dress up... that is Rece's favorite thing in the world, so it's a good think we have a wig and a sword!

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Monday, November 10, 2008

A little more Jason

So this is a gimpse into my new life with Keith after the Jason Mraz concert...He so thoughtfully taught us all this fun dance and now my dear husband dances this way to everything----even during worship songs at church!

And a little shout out to our friend Ryan Kiely! We couldn't help but miss your awesome dancing as we took in all ofJason's many amazing moves :) We miss you, and can't wait to see some new Korean dance moves!

Jason Mraz is AMAZING!

Thanks to Marissa, Keith and I were introduced to his talent a few years ago---and we have been hooked ever since! On Friday, Marissa, Jon, Ingrid, Keith and I enjoyed an evening of Jason... He is seriously so great live! WE LOVE HIM! Here you can enjoy him too :)