Thursday, September 23, 2010


at 2 months (and one week) old Kendall is 9lbs 3oz (10th percentile), 22in long (45%), 15in head circumference (25%).

Long and lean (so far)---where one earth did she get that from???

Early morning play time

Kendall is a super good baby pretty much all the time...but my favorite time with her is early in the morning after her first feeding. She is always alert and smiley and plays great, with or without me. It's exciting to "chat" with her or take advantage of a hands free moment and shower or eat (maybe I should add in exercise?)! I've never been a real morning person, but I love that she is; she might just be converting me! Here is a video I took today of her talking to herself in the mirror and to the penguin toy on her playmat.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2 months old!

Here's our sweet little doll posing by her little doll to show you how big she is getting :)
Here she is in the same outfit I had her in last month by her doll to really show how she has filled out. I'm sad that this is probably the last time she'll be wearing it.
I'll post her 2 month stats in a few days after we see the doctor (if we survive the vaccines!).
Bathtime at Gramma's house!
Celebrating her 2 month birthday in her cute little birthday suit.

Some Longview Love

Getting in some quality Gramma & Papa time on the west side!
Where's Waldo? I mean...where's Kendall? Does she look worried here?

Never too young to love reading

Friday, September 10, 2010

Daddy's Girl

I'm loving watching the sweet bond between Kendall and Keith grow! He is certainly wrapped around her finger. She lights up when she sees him, and he can calm her quicker than anyone. He's an amazing dad!