Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Highlights

I can hardly believe it's August already... it always comes too soon! But this year it seemed faster than normal, maybe because it seems like it JUST warmed up enough to be real summer! To me, August means interviews and the anxiety of not knowing what God has in store for me as far as a teaching job....UGH! Needless to say July is my favorite summer month and it's long gone now. Luckily we've had a fun and relaxing summer so far, and it's not quite over yet.  Here are a few of the things we've been up to in reverse order.

Last weekend we cheered for Marissa (and many other friends) during the Spokane to Sandpoint race
Enjoying some extra time with Daddy...we love him being home in the summer!

Gramma came back for a few more snuggles with Kendall before the summer is over
Enjoying being outside more and showing her "intense" look in the tent

Robyn & Maya came for a visit

Kendall has had some quality cousin time

And play dates galore
(Maya, Nathan, & Avlynne---just before Kendall pulled their hair! She's a little jealous that she is still bald!)

Morning walks with Emily and Finley


Kendall's been helping around the house

I won my first blog contest...a whole box of craft supplies!

A day of "camping" with Keith's family

First taste of FroYo
Kendall thinks this signing thing is really coming in handy!

Deer lake with my family

plenty of naked time (for Kendall!)

and of course some pool time!


The Hoogland Family said...

oh fun! you are looking rather trim young lady!
Love the naked time picture!

The Boggs Family said...

Awesome! Awesome! :)... love all the pics & congrats on the craft box you won! :) How fun!! :) Glad you guys have had some fun memories together this Summer before the stress of this month sets in too much... we'll be thinking of you & praying for you through the interview process. (so are you hoping to go back to work or more just kinda seeing what might come about?)

Emilie said...

Love our morning walks!! But mostly I LOVE those naked pictures!!!!