I was organizing pictures on the computer and saw a few from one year ago when Kendall was 18 months old. I remember so clearly how old she felt to us at that age, like a
real toddler! But now I look at her and think "no, THIS is a real toddler, she was still a baby at 18 months!" Her personality is still just as vibrant as it was at 18 months, but she now has the ability to articulate all that sass. She blows our minds with the information she absorbs and later recites, her precise memories of events we've experienced, as well as her active imagination. I wish my memory was as strong as hers, but it's not! So, I just have to blog about who she is right now so I don't forget. I wonder what we'll think when we look back at this post next year?
The Conversationalist: We carry on legit conversations---the two way kind! For example, when I take her home after school each day, she and I talk the whole way about what we did, what we'll do when we get home, and negotiate what to make for lunch. She asks questions too, and makes connections about her day to other things we've done or are going to do. It's so much fun. She utters phrases like "and also..." or "don't you think?" and "I sure do!" Outside of the house (until she warms up) she may seem shy, but she is NOT! The other day the Rosauers checker helped us to the car and was trying to strike up a conversation with Kendall, who just stared at her blankly. As soon as we got in the car she says "I felt scared of Lauren, I didn't want to talk with her!" But when the cable guy or plumber come into our home she can't leave them alone "hey man, what you doing there?"
Miss Independent: She is one capable kid! Her small stature doesn't stop her from much. She uses her stool to reach WAY more than I ever imagined she'd be able to find. She also drags heavy chairs long distances if the stool doesn't cut it. She even figured out that her princess wand can be used to reach her bedroom light switch. She enjoys climbing in and out of the car seat without any assistance (I'm learning patience) and often requests to help do the buckle. She sits at her little table for every meal and occasionally sits at the big table, too---no more high chair to keep her in one place! It can be challenging to keep her focused on eating. We've been using the strategy of "two more bites, because you are two" to get her to finish things (she hasn't figured out that we say 2 more bites about 10 times!) but she now pulls that on us "I need two cookies, cause I two!". Generally she's a good eater and can do it all by herself, and is even learning to take her done dishes to the sink. She finally mastered the tricky shirt and can get herself totally dressed and undressed! Occasionally she comes out from playing in a totally new outfit, and sometimes it even matches! And lastly, if left alone in the bathroom she will wipe herself with half a roll of toilet paper.
Imaginative: to Kendall, anything can be a phone. She usually "calls" Quincy or Liam and has animated conversations with them recounting her day, or the last thing she remembers doing with them. She can hold the phone and carry her babies at the same time! She is totally into playing Mommy to all her babies. She's always loved babies (real or dolls) but lately it's at a whole new level. Perhaps, because she's excited about our little bundle on the way? She changes diapers, feeds, hires babysitters, takes the babies to "Target" and "Starbucks," and puts the babies down for a rest A LOT! We hear ourselves in a 2 year old voice during this process. "It's okay Baby, I'll get you some water, just one more book, no more talking, go back to you room, please go to bed now." Her newest imaginative game involves her cape and figuring out how to really fly. She zaps words and rides a "why rider" to solve problems.
Crafter: Kendall loves to create and do "pwojects." She paints or colors at least once a day. She usually starts by declaring who she is making it for, but then she has a hard time letting go of her pieces and I'm left figuring out where to keep them all (not a good job for a sentimental clutter bug). I got her a little pink mail box and she has been stamping, stickering, and drawing valentine's like crazy! Along with this, she loves to help Keith and I on any little project we might be working on. It might be cooking a meal, hanging a photo, doing laundry, cleaning up (her face lights up when we vacuum and she runs to get hers to help!), or even paying bills!
Little love: She spoils her loved ones in affection! We hear "I love you" or "I like you" dozens of times a day. And oh the snuggles, hugs, and kisses! My favorite is when she grabs my cheeks and pulls me close to plant a wet one (or 20!). It's non-stop, and we can't still can't get enough! She's especially snuggly when she wakes up. She now kisses and hugs the baby in my tummy and we are certain that this new little one will be the recipient of Kendall's abundance of love and sweetness. We just hope she'll be okay with whatever gender baby is, and not be too mad with us when we don't name the baby "Caillou."
Fun facts: Kendall wears mostly 2T clothes now, only requests to drink water and if we require milk it has to be flavored, her favorite food is noodles (plain or cheesy), she is fully potty trained (even at night), can't sleep without kitty and blanket, usually takes a 2-3 hour nap and sleeps for about 9-10 hours at night (might be longer if we didn't have to wake her up to leave in the morning), and loves Dora and Super Why.
Meeting baby Kynlee |
Measuring everything |
Can you see the sass!?! |
Really loves playing my Kindle |
Which allows time for me to make the mullet adorable! |
Sharing affection with Aslan---he is a happy recipient! |
A budding artist--in good artistic company. |
Chatting up one of her customers |
Lovin' on Liam |
pretending to swim in a pool |
One of our projects |
In baby heaven with Finn and Zac |
Using her imagination at Mobius |
Mastering some gross motor skills (we've got some work in this area!) |
Look at this big girl! |
Super K attempting flight! |