This picture was not taken at the end of summer, but I couldn't remember if I'd put it on the blog yet...and it's one of my favorite pictures from this summer! Rece is hilarious!

AJ and I are supporting Keith in his golf tournament

Here AJ is learning the fine art of golf---his Dad, Uncle, and Grandpa must be SOOO proud! Not to mention Keith :)

Marissa was in her 1 millionth wedding this summer---she is one HOT bridesmaid, and SO good at her job. Riss I think you are a superstar and such an amazing friend. I'm happy we got to come and play with you at Amy's wedding! You are so beautiful.
Keith's Mom's annual trip to Stoneridge now includes a day at Silverwood. I've convinced the kids that the Tilt-a-Whirl is the ultimate ride! Truth be told I sorta really think it is. I mean the Aftershook is cool, but nothing compares to the thrill of a good Tilt-a-Whirl ride! We couldn't get enough.

A sun bathing BEAUTY! Alli was in her own little world here warming up in the sun and singing to herself---isn't she so cute?

Bolder Beach has a great toddler water park and all three kids just love it---Rece was so fun to watch running through all the water!
What I tell you???

This is sorta how Rece looks during the whole ride, but he swears he loves it!

My Hero.
So I know for sure that Keith will be a good dad because the other night we got home after a really long day to find Aslan about 50+ feet up in our neighbors tree. According to our neighbor he'd been in the tree for at LEAST 6 hours, but potentially could have been like 12!!! Keith, not a big fan of heights, climbed right up...but we didn't think we could get the poor cat down, who has a hoarse meow at this point (and don't call the firemen like you see in movies or in books cause they just laugh at you). After over an hour of debating the best option, Keith, being a genious, got a backpack on and climbed the rest of the way up, while his mom, our neighbor, and I held flashlights on his butt, praying he wouldn't fall out and break his arm, or head, or entire body. Aslan started purring the second Keith was in reach---they have a special bond. He dove into the backpack and Keith zipped him up and climbed back down. What a great rescue!
Last but not least....I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!
I am teaching 2nd graders this year and I already love them! This is my favorite picture Keith took of my room after we all spent every waking hour of our Labor Day weekend getting ready. I've survived the first week and I'm really looking forward to the year!