Kyler continues to impress us with his easy going personality. He had a short time last month where he would scream for no reason but that was just a phase, he is totally back to his normal easy self. He rarely cries and when he does it's pretty obvious what the reason is and it's always fixable. I've had to take the kids with me to my classroom to get ready for school to start and he happily plays by himself or with Kendall and I almost forget that he's there because he hardly needs any attention. All my teacher friends love to come steal him for a baby snuggle while they take breaks from working. He loves the attention and is happy to go with just about anyone. He flirts and flashes his handsome smile to everyone who smiles at him. HE IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!! Not that I'm biased or anything ;).
He is a GREAT sleeper! He's been moving up his last feeding to 9pm and wakes up around 5:30--and occasionally all the way to 6:30! He generally takes 3 naps during the day and can usually fall asleep on his own. And if he misses a nap he remains happy and calm---DREAM CHILD! (knock on wood!!!). Lately he's been preferring to nap on his side/stomach. He usually likes to be swaddled and for sure has to have his binky!
We went to our annual stoneridge family vacation and Kyler was a trooper having his schedule disrupted, taking a bottle so I could go out and golf with Keith, Kelli and Alex, and a full day in the sun at Silverwood without any complaints.
Today we took him in for his well child visit and he is 12 lbs 15.5oz (7th%), and 25.25in long (20%). Apparently we make small kids. Oh wait... Head circumference 16in (40%)!
Fell asleep sitting up |
Going golfing with his buddy Carter |
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Auntie Riss' going home from the hospital shirt |
Naked tummy time turned into naked nap time |