Friday, January 3, 2014

little tooth

We've been waiting and waiting and waiting for the arrival of Kyler's first tooth. It seemed like it had to be coming soon with all the drool and fitful nights of sleep and aggressive rubbing of things on his gums. Then one little tooth poked through just a few days after Kyler turned 8 months old. He sleeps now. That is, until the next tooth appears. 
It's hard to see it in a picture just yet, but believe me, you can feel it when he chomps down on your finger! 


Jen said...

Oh, I feel ya on those sleepless nights! Aly has four teeth now and number five is coming in. Glad you're getting some sleep now! ps. Kyler is adorable!!! I love his smile in the "babysitting" picture! ;)

Kimmer said...

You guys have cute kids! I love your title picture with Kendall and her hand on her hip. And Kyler is so cute-hope you can get some sleep!