Sunday, May 26, 2013

Nesting time

I had a much stronger urge to nest in this pregnancy. However, this school year didn't allow for as much gradual nesting as I would have liked to have done. I did get to a few things here and there as I tried to procrastinate from the dreaded Pro-Teach! But most of the time I had a lot on my plate with a 2 year old, kindergarteners, pro-teach, several planned trips (which were great, but meant I didn't have much down time at home to work on pro-teach or nesting), oh and I was pregnant and exhausted! I recruited my friend Alison, and my sis Marissa to help me get some of the more daunting projects done (photo wall and craft room).  I decided to be finished with work after Spring Break. I could tell that my ability to be a good teacher was declining (I had little energy, and a lot on my mind), and it was a good transition point for my amazing long term sub to step in. Plus I would have a bit of time to accomplish all that was left on my to do list. So during Spring Break and my first week at home, I poured over pro-teach. I was determined to complete it before baby came, and I'm so thankful I did because I would have been a mess trying to do that with a newborn. The next weekend I NESTED. We are talking cleaned and organized like I'm not naturally inclined to do, it's such a strange and wonderful part of pregnancy. Keith LOVES when I nest, because it's just not normal (but he wishes it were!). When I ran out of things to clean I started to knock out some pinterest projects that have been nagging me. In my mind I was going to have the baby early in this week (based on what I had experienced with my first pregnancy) so I busted my butt to finish everything. EVERY cupboard, closest, and drawer is now clean and has a more specific purpose. As I passed my mental due date of April 14th (real due date was 4/23), and the week wore on, I still had the urge to nest but there wasn't much left. By the time my parents arrived on the 19th the only thing to do besides wait for baby was weeding the yard. Here are a few of the nesting pictures:
baby laundry and cloth diaper stuffing

building my new "craft cart" that my parents got me 
Everyone was ready and waiting on Baby

back in January Alison and Yogi came to visit and helped rearrange our room to fit in  the pack n' play 

Then Alison came back in April to help me with the nesting and she created this beautiful photo wall

Marissa helped me get the craft room back in order (first organized by Kelli while I was prego with Kendall)

Kendall's gift from baby, I had all sorts of gifts and projects ready to go for when baby arrived

one such project included baby name banners for the hospital 
Crafting with Kendall

Book sleeve for Kendall's side of the room

Baby's side of the room

rearranged and all ready for 2 kids

so we know how tall our kids are

and a way to keep our doors quiet


The Boggs Family said...

Everything looks great! I with I had an ounce f your energy during the nesting phase you went thru. I gots nothin' ;). Life with kids tho, right? :). And chipping away when the motivation and unexplained energy prevails. Miss you guys and cannot believe you're a family of 4!! Praise God, so sweet to read your blog, see pics of your beautiful family, and catch up. Hugs to you all!

growingsoundroots said...

Finally catching up on your wonderful posts! I am so jealous of your craftiness! If I had a nesting phase, I wouldn't know it since we were in the middle of the remodel and everything seemed too huge to tackle! ha! Miss you! All of your projects look wonderful!