Sunday, July 21, 2013


 Around this time every year I start to mourn the loss of summer (I know, I know, we're only half way, but I can't help this feeling! It's my favorite season and it always just flies by!). We've passed the longest day of the year, the stores have school supplies out, and my project list is still so long. The bonus this year is that my summer had a pre-summer. Now, May and June didn't have the heat of real summer, the days weren't spent in total relaxation, and I didn't get to any of that to-do list! BUT I was home with my kids and for that I'm so thankful. We were learning how to function with a new addition, and how to function on much less sleep, but our hearts were full. Here is what my pre-summer looked like.
Kyler chilled out.
Did you notice the amazing quilt he's on? My incredibly talented friend, Leah, made it for him!

Kendall played "independently"

In her pajamas

We blew lots of bubbles

And played in the sand

I went back to my kids a handful of times

Kendall gabbed on the phone like a teenager

I snuck in as many snuggles as I could

We picked up Ella from school and did homework together

And we went on lots of little walks (on this one she said "I don't need a coat Mama, I'll just wear these")

1 comment:

Emilie said...

Oh, how I have loved having a "pre-summer" this year...Now, how can we find a way to get another one next year (without having to have another baby-ha!)??? LOVE The quilt, too (i noticed it before I read the caption, even).